Sunday, September 18, 2011

Is it possible to drive a Porsche 911 (997) Carrera 4 in snow on standard tyres?

The snow would be about 3-4 inches deep on roads and i'm based in England, UK. The tyres are normal all year round tyres and not winter tyres. We don't swap tyres in England usually as the winters don't tend to be bad.

Any Porsche owners have experience of snow driving in a C4 on standard tyres?|||With anything over about 4.75 inches of fresh, light weight (low moisture) snow your Porsche will become a snow plow. With over about 5 inches of old, crusty snow your Porsche will become stuck (And there's no stuck like all wheel stuck). SO ... don't take the car out unless you know the depth and consistency of ALL the snow you'll meet on the street.

Your 997 C4 is NOT A SUBARU. The amount of power that can be routed to the front wheel set is limited because the car is optimized for dry traction on a track. You should be aware that "All Season" tires (tyres) that aren't good below 45 degrees F are out there on the market, along with similar rubber compound tires labeled "M + S," or "Mud and Snow."

If you care about your car you'll buy tires - 4 of them - to use in the snow. If you're going to see temperatures below 45F, you'll get real Winter tires or even ones displaying the "Mountain Snowflake" symbol. I recommend you buy a separate set of 4 wheels to mount your snow tires on. You can get a reasonable true-running set for well under $1,000 (US) including shipping on ebay.|||If you're Walter Rohrl, then yes. Otherwise I'd buy an old Golf and stick some winter tyres on it.

Porsches are expensive to fix.|||is this a good summer car - yes

is this a good spring car - yes

is this a good autumn car - yes

is this a good WINTER car ?.....HELL NO !!鈥?/a>|||My brother used to purchase a old car in the winter and put the Porsche in the garage.|||Just drive carefully.

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