Friday, September 23, 2011

What do you think of the Porsche Boxster?

Most of my friends drive 911s, M3s and Astons, but I want to get a Porsche Boxster, what do you guys think? They are slating me!|||It's a great car. Compared to other roadsters in it's class (i.e. the BMW Z4) the handling is far superior (by the way, both cars run 0 - 60 in 5.9 seconds - manual transmission). The Boxster S can actually outpace a 911 on a curvy track. The Box shines in the twisties, if you want a "go straight as fast as you can" car, then the Box isn't for you. If you want a car that can take corners like nobodys business than you definately want to take a look at the Box.

Definately not a "poor man's Porsche" or a "Hairdresser's car". Just look at the reviews on the 987 (987 = 2005 or later Boxster, 986 was the previous model).|||Get yourself a real sports car, not a 2 seater convertible, something like an S2000 Honda or a TVR.|||I am currently the lead porsche tech at a dealer, but previously an Aston Martin, Maserati, and Ferrari tech. From my experience with these cars I would suggest if you are looking around that price range put another $10k with the money for the Boxster and go with the Cayman. Then if your friends still give you grief, Challenge them to a race on a curvy road, or preferably a race track once you learn the car and then see what they have to say.|||It's a great car...if you're a woman.|||boy uve got rich friends. just get urself a r34 skyline and let them drool|||Boxster owners spend their time explaining why they didnt buy the 911.

The could not afford it !|||for girls|||Its cute and l'm sure it would match a lot of handbags.... but be different, build your own street machine and show them up!|||boxsters are for people that carn't afford the 911|||boxters are great cars, but they do have some downsides. first off, the engine is in the right place (middle) but it is very weak unless you have the boxter s. second, it is a cloth top. Third, and finally, you would only buy one if you cant afford a 911. if you are buying a car so you can drive with your friends in thier astons, 911's, and m3s, buy a m6. It might be a bit pricey, but it is pretty damn fast. one of your other options would include a lotus elise. if you look at it, you will find that they are realy f****** amazing. i personally have seen one pass a veyron in a corner, and the price tag is only 40 g. if you dicide to follow my advice on the elise, you will be very happy. they are all hand built in the uk and weigh about 1,900 lbs. the exige s version can out-perform the v8 mustang as well.|||Aren't they known as 'poor mans Porsche'?! Anyways, I wouldn't say no to one so I reckon you should go for it if you like it!|||Seems like 90% of the people bagging on the

Boxster have NEVER driven a Porsche or ever will be able to afford a Porsche.

I own a 911, and I can tell you, the Boxster is a REAL Porsche. IMHO, I believe the Cayman(the one priced now @ roughly $50K) is an outstanding deal, and is a better drive, and it looks astounding. A little bit of 550 Spyder, a little bit of 911, a little bit of Carrera GT design all rolled into one, and it makes for one fantastic design.

I'd get one in a heartbeat if I didn't already have a 911.

Get the Cayman without the gimmicks, and superflous add-on junk.

And then ask your friends if they want to challenge you at the racetrack. HAH!|||The Porsche Boxster is a mid-engined roadster released in late 1996. Throughout its production it has been Porsche's smallest and least expensive model.The Boxster's name plays on the words 'boxer' (after its horizontally-opposed engine configuration, also called the boxer engine) and 'roadster'. Boxster production began at the former Porsche 928 facility at Stuttgart after the 928 was discontinued due to poor sales. Boxsters are also manufactured in Uusikaupunki, Finland by Valmet under contract to Porsche.A unique styling feature on both the 986 and 987 is the automatically extending rear spoiler that extends at 75mph and retracts at 56mph, pushing down on the back end to increase steering control and stability. With styling reminiscent of the larger 911 (to the point where buyers of the 911 complained that their car looked too similar to the Boxster), the car has been popular both with car industry journalists and with buyers. It was Porsche's biggest volume seller from its introduction in model year 1997 until the company introduced the Cayenne SUV in model year 2003.|||IF ANY ONE BOTHERED TO READ UP ON THE CAR YOU'D FIND THAT THE BOXTER AND IT'S SIBLING THE CAYMAN ARE GETTING EXCELLENT REVIEWS. THAT IT TRACKS MORE NEUTRALLY THAN THE 911.

PORSCHE IS BEING CAREFUL TO KEEP THE POWER BELOW THE 911 BECAUSE IT DOESN'T WANT IT'S FLAGSHIP TO BE BLOWN AWAY BY IT'S LITTLE BROTHER...SO GET OVER THE "HAIRDRESSER'S CAR" CRAP.|||You'll be forever known as the poor man who couldn't afford a 911|||if it was the porsch i saw jeremy clarkson in yesterday on tv...that was 'the biz' see his face %26amp; yes I'd love a go|||they say its the best value for money sportscar ever made|||seriously, its a nice looking and sounding car, but it doesn't have that much power. compared the bmw z4 roadster, it gets smoked. i would go with the cayman also, cause a porsche is a porsche|||Get the Cayman instead of a Boxster, or wait till the new 911 comes out fourth quarter 2006 or 1st quarter 2007...

I never liked the Boxster, primarily because the top (in terms of horsepower and gearing) end of the car is a bit sluggish; the Cayman, in contrast, has better gear ratios and suspension feedback.

As someone who answered your query said earlier, it's a hairdresser's car...|||I subscribe to "don't buy a boxter". ain't powerful enough in order to call it a Porsche...

if Mr. Ferdinand could see the Boxter, he would be very disappointed.|||it's a good sports car for someone that is richer than a mustang owner but not like carrera gt rich|||Competent car but rather troublesome.

911s rule, everything else is....well...everything else.|||I have one and do love to drive it, and it can be seen on the Beltway at around 90-100mph, but compared to my's slow. It hasn't aged much in 4 years, but I have had issues with water leaking through the seals in the roof, gearbox, engine....but if you aren't go to push it, sure it's fine. Also, I do tell everyone its my wife's car !|||Dont do it. Those are great cars, but they are low end on the Porsche ladder. Your friends cars will spank that Boxster in every category. The boxster is the "poor" mans Porsche. If you want a convertible go with an Mercadez SLK or SL. If you want to compete with those guys you'll have to get around an SLK 500. even better. The new Corvette Z06 will spank all those cars and costs less too.|||cool , fast|||I wouldnt if i were you, unless you can afford the 911 then go for something like the Nissan 350Z. When I see a boxter, all that comes to mind is 'ummm they cant afford the 911 hahahaha'|||I don't know the price or anything about the car's reviews, but when looking through pictures of this year's crop of cars from all over, only the Boxster stood out, and my tongue hung out, and I thought, if I ever get a car again, that's the one. It looks good. It stands out.|||Hairdressers car. Think Porsche lite.

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